Marco Taddei, chic, elegant, polished and always flawless, is a fashion content creator born in Marche, in the province of Macerata, who recently moved to Milan in order to pursue his career in digital communication. The thirty-three year old has been working for 14 years in the fashion world, but specialized in communication in the past 10, particularly devoting himself to the main social platforms.
Collaborations with important brands, style tips and tales of old Italian crafts are just a few of the subjects that the influencer tackles on his socials, making Italian style the real fil rouge of his content. We’ve exchanged ideas and opinions with Taddei about the notion of “Italian style”, a concept that resonates particularly with Seishou.

How did you get into the world of fashion and what exactly do you like about it?
At 19 I started working in a clothes and accessories showroom in central Italy, within Marche, Umbria, Abruzzo, Molise and Tuscany. It was mostly mid-high fashion production, they were good quality products, but more fashionable than classic. I worked there for 4 years, after which I chose to take the path of digital communication in order to work with companies that I felt were closer to my taste and sensibility.
Where do you find inspiration to create your look?
Coming from a region with a strong handcrafting history like Marche, I’m very fascinated by anything related to the luxury handmade world. That’s why I’ve decided to deal exclusively with this type of company and products, growing a following that also appreciates these characteristics. If we talk about classic style, it’s impossible not to think about tailors and shoemakers who still to this day create their products by hand. This is what most represents my style, and what historically made Italy unique and famous in the world.
Your style is both chic and elegant: what would you add to this definition?
I would say “timeless” for sure. I’m certain there will always be a place for classic elegance. Even though Covid and smart working have sort of pushed back against the importance of formalwear, the Italian style that I represent is a timeless look that can’t simply go out of fashion.

What does Italian style mean to you, given that it seems to be a personal mantra of yours?
It’s a great responsibility, because it means you need to pay close attention to the type of content you post. On social media I sometimes try to “poke the bear”; what I mean is that I bring features that are not so typically Italian but are related to the concept of classic into an Italian context. To me, this is what being Italian is really about: it’s not just style, rather something that you have within yourself and that I try to translate visually with my outfits.
In what ways does Italy differ from other countries in terms of fashion and style?
It’s a historic and cultural thing. Compared to other countries, we have always been much more mindful of some aspects, both in terms of products as well as lifestyle. And this word includes many things: from shoes and clothes to the happy hour or a stroll down the beach. There are certain elements that are emblematic, that make it possible to tell at a glance that this person or that mood are Italian.
Seishou is a brand of shoes entirely crafted in Italy. Why is the term Made in Italy also important in your career?
Having been in this sector for many years I realize that being Italian and wearing Made in Italy has allowed me to keep moving forward in my work. Wearing clothes that showcase the characteristics of Italian production is what identifies my style, giving me the chance, for example, to be interviewed by a brand like Seishou.
Italy is renowned for its tailoring and bespoke clothes. How often do you wear this kind of clothes.
Always. I don’t dress like this just for the camera. In fact, my career began because I dress a certain way and people used to take pictures of me. I think the most interesting aspect isn’t even in the finished product, but in discovering the making of and who creates such garments.
This relates to your work as an “old crafts reporter”: why did you choose to talk about old crafts?
It’s partly because I come from a region where these jobs are very rooted in tradition and are practiced to this day. At the same time, it was a largely unexplored world. In fact, the difficult part in the beginning was precisely getting over the artisans’ wariness towards showing their work, as they would often rather keep their techniques a secret. But that’s where the charme of the handcrafting world lies, and that’s why I chose to talk about it.
When it comes to Seishou, our priority is to balance comfort and style at the same time. How would you combine these two aspects in your looks?
Very naturally. Personally, I have a passion for the more classic shoes, such as the beautiful Maryland loafers by Seishou. When an item is good quality and nicely shaped, it’s normal to wear it as easily and comfortably as you would wear a glove.